By Carl Winderl by his mother I stood un- alone, as Mother of mothers, while the others draped in black, gaped at My Monday mourning blue, in grief united as are our boys eternally, on this so fair and foul a morn whence in uni- Son once below, and on earth him now lies that He might rise as It is in heaven so that at his grave where our mothers’ tears (Mine slid down my other cheek) water the dirt, near his mother’s feet (among women) I lay anon a sad bouquet, so ophelian of pansies, poppies, daisies and of oh, our sweet babies’ breath Carl Winderl holds a Ph.D. in Creative Writing from New York University and maintains a home in San Diego, California.
'At Judas' funeral' is from Carl's new poetry book, The Gospel According. . . to Mary (Finishing Line Press, 2021). Other related work previously published on Foreshadow: The Lord of Creation in His Mother's Arms (Art, January 2021)
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